
Welcome! We are glad you are here! You will find all things related to children and family ministry at Weaverland, from what we offer on a Sunday morning to the curriculum we use, from what to do as a first time guest to how you can get connected and serve the next generation.

Register for Kindle 2024-25!

Mission & Vision


To see hearts and minds of the next generation transformed and ignited as they encounter the Gospel of Jesus


  • Safety: Create a safe, welcoming space where children can be who God created them to be and ask hard questions about life and faith in Jesus.
  • Christ-Centered: Teach from a Gospel-focused, Christ-centered perspective, so children have every opportunity to hear and be transformed by the Good News of Jesus.
  • Family-Focused: Minister not only to the child, but to the family as a whole—equipping them to extend their reach for Christ in their family and community.
  • Engaging Community: We want to engage members of all generations, walks of life, and giftings to share in the privilege and duty to passing on our faith to the next generation. Our heart's desire is to be engaged with families in the community.

First-Time Guests

We are excited to have you worship with us here at Weaverland! If you have children, you may be curious to know more about how Sunday mornings look in regards to children's ministry offerings.

SPARK Children's Church
A time of worship, learning and activities geared towards children.

During the sermon portion of each worship service (Approximately 8:40am & 11:10am)

Threes through Kindergarten are invited to attend Spark Jr.

1st to 3rd graders are invited to attend Spark 

Sunday School

During Sunday School hour, from 9:30-10:15am, there are a variety of Sunday School classes available for children age two through grade six. For more information on any certain age group, click one of the age-specific tabs at the top of the page.


Nursery care is offered each Sunday during both worship services. Young children two years and under are welcome to come play in the nursery under the supervision of our approved adult staff. There are also individual rooms with cribs and rockers for nursing or laying a child down for a nap. Diapers, wipes and a changing table are all available in the nursery for your convenience.

Birth to 2 Years

nursery Care

During each worship service, a staffed nursery is available for infants & toddlers through age two. Additionally, there are individual rooms with cribs for napping, supervised by the nursery staff, and can also be used for nursing and diaper changes.

Changing tables, diapers and wipes are available for your convenience along with a kid-friendly bathroom.

Twos Sunday School

Starting on the Sunday before or after they turn two, children are invited to join Sunday School! This class is geared for introducing two-year-old's to the structure of Sunday School while incorporating simple Bible lessons and activities from the Gospel Light curriculum into their time together!

New Child Welcome Form

Child Dedication

A highly anticipated event in our year is child dedication, when parents can take time to publicly affirm their commitment to raise their children in the ways of the Lord and seek to see Him glorified through their life! 

Learn about Child Dedication


3 to 3rd Grade

Sunday School

Weaverland's children's ministry has Sunday School classes for each age and grade from age two to 6th grade. Each class caters to the developmental stage of the age to encourage spiritual growth and understanding of Biblical truth at all ages! The threes to 3rd grade Sunday School classes use the Gospel Project curriculum from Lifeway, which emphasizes the chronology of the Bible, God's redemptive story, and the evidence of Gospel on every page of Scripture!

SPARK Children's Church

In addition to Sunday School, children's church is offered during both worship services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Unlike Sunday School, SPARK combines age groups for a large-group learning time.

| SPARK Jr: 3s to Kindergarten | SPARK: 1st to 3rd Grade | 

Look for the dismissal slide to be posted on the screen after the worship set to indicate the beginning of SPARK.

Special Events

Throughout the year, Weaverland offers a variety of events geared towards the preschool and elementary age groups! Keep your eye on the calendar, and save these dates!

Day Camp | July 14-18, 2025 & July 28-August 1, 2025
Vacation Bible School | TBD

Sundays with Kindle46

The preteen years are a unique season of life--many transitions and discovering what it looks like to live out a personal relationship with our Savior Jesus. We are glad to have a vibrant ministry for 4th to 6th grade students on both Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the year!

Sunday School

Kindle Sunday School class consists of 4th to 6th graders, but the two classes are gender-specific to allow for honest conversations and deep relationships to form! Both the boys' and girls' classes are using the Forged curriculum from LifeWay, building on the truths of 1 Peter 1:7, "So that the proven character of your faith--more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire--may result in praise, glory and honors at the revelation of Jesus Christ." "Forged" places an emphasis on refining our faith and a biblical understanding regarding various theological points and applicable topics.

Wednesdays with Kindle46

1st & 3rd Wednesdays, September through May
Drop-off & Pick-up at the NOrth Entrance
meet In the Weaverland children's area (Unless otherwise specified)

A ministry unique to Weaverland is our Wednesday night preteen ministry, where the name Kindle46 originated! While there are a handful of combined events throughout the course of the school year, Kindle nights are designed for the boys and girls to meet separately and engage in activities and devotions that cater to their stage and interests. Most Wednesdays carry a similar schedule though special outings to local businesses or ministries make for exceptions. A regular Kindle night includes a devotional, time with small groups, followed by the nights planned activity and a snack.

Special Events for 2024-25 Year Include:

  • Barn Party
  • Rec Night
  • Service Night
  • Ice Cream Social (Girls)
  • Local Business Tour (Boys)
  • Winter Retreat
  • And Much More!

It's not too late to sign up for Kindle and invite a friend, too!

Register for Kindle 2024-25


