
To know God personally and make Him known to others...

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Welcome! We are glad you're here and for your interest in getting connected with youth programs at Weaverland! 

Join Us

Sunday Worship Services @ 8 & 10:30am Youth sit together in the left center section in the front of the sanctuary.
Sunday School There are Sunday School classes that meet each Sunday at 9:30 for both junior high and high school groups.

Wednesday Nights, 6:45-8:30pm Both junior high and high school groups meet each Wednesday in the basement throughout the year for a variety of activities, Bible studies and spending time building relationships.

Get Connected

Our youth groups often connect via the Remind app.
Want to get connected? Contact Pastor of Student Ministries Dale Zimmerman below!

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Junior High

We strive to create a safe space for all middle school students to grow in their faith in Jesus and build community with peers.

Wednesdays with Keegan

First & third Wednesdays are Bible study nights and second & fourth Wednesdays consist of a variety of other activities, from games around church to off-site adventures. Bible study nights include a time of combined worship with Blaze, a lesson based on our monthly theme and a time with small groups!

Sundays with Keegan

Similar to all of the adult classes, Keegan meets for its own Sunday School class each Sunday morning from 9:30-10:15 in Room 242. This is a great time of fellowship and learning geared towards middle schoolers! Joining us for a worship service? Keegan students often sit together in the right center section in the front of the sanctuary. We hope to see you there!

Get Connected with Keegan78

High School

We strive for all Blaze 912 high school students to grow in their faith in Jesus surrounded by a healthy community of their peers.

Wednesdays with Blaze

First and third Wednesdays are Bible study nights, second Wednesday is Blaze small groups, and fourth and fifth Wednesdays are other activities full of adventure. You can expect a Blaze event to include worship, prayer, Bible study, small & large group discussions, and joyful activities. 

Sundays with blaze

Similar to all of the adult classes, Blaze 912 meets for its own Sunday School class each Sunday morning from 9:30-10:15 in Room 241. This is a great time of fellowship and learning geared towards the high school age group! Joining us for a worship service? Youth sit together in the left center section in the front of the sanctuary. We hope to see you there!

Get Connected with Blaze912


Parent Resource Center

No announcements at this time!

Check back later for documents related to student ministry and parenting middle and high schoolers!

Contact the Pastor of Student Ministries